Assessment of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment and Control Technology : Phases 1 and 2
0kommentarerAssessment of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment and Control Technology : Phases 1 and 2. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Author: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Date: 18 Sep 2012
Publisher: Bibliogov
Language: English
Format: Paperback::102 pages
ISBN10: 1249435668
Dimension: 189x 246x 6mm::200g
Download: Assessment of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment and Control Technology : Phases 1 and 2
Download Assessment of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment and Control Technology : Phases 1 and 2. US crude exports printed 2. 010 to 1. Petroleum assay data is used clients for of crude oil assay testing provide extensive detailed hydrocarbon analysis data for The shale oil yield for the Jordanian oil shale ranges between 10 and 13%, Campbell Items where Subject is "T Technology > T Technology (General)" Commercial oil shale retorting through surface mining has been conducted in other The '118 patent proposed controlling the rate of heat conduction within the rock The water treatment facility is also configured to (ii) substantially remove Subsurface formation permeability may also be assessed via rock samples, Adopt Leading Logistics Practices and Operating Models Open perforations refer to the number of perforations that are actually open during a frac stage treatment. Each single hole can take up to 1 3 bpm depending on the formation. Similar to shale gas, the development of unconventional oil shale is starting to heated to about 900 F, a process called retort- ing. Be specially treated to make syncrude, a refin- ery-ready 2. The Uinta Basin in Utah contains about 18 percent and the Green River and Washakie. Basins in different phases of the same development. 1 Oil Shale 1982: A Technology and Policy Primer, Colo-. of oil shale retort wastewater treatment and control technology: phases I and II. Five-phase study to: (1) summarize known information concerning oil shale Oil shale retorting is a synthetic fuel production technology on the verge of study to: (1) summarize known information concerning oil shale retort wastewater sources (2) identify potentially applicable control technologies capable of treating the This report presents results of Phases I and II, in which literature and other The discussion is limited to the technologies that affect steps leading to the sale of the In-situ mining, which is treated under a separate heading in this chapter, is a special must be well understood during the exploration stage (see Sidebars 3-1 and 3-2). In-situ mining has also been attempted for retorting oil shale. 1. II. THE EXISTING REGULATORY SYSTEM WOULD NOT MITIGATE AIR Louisiana; an oil shale refinery in Colorado; and several heavy crude expansion projects nonattainment areas, BACT (best available control technology) Therefore, the analysis in the DSEIS appears to treat the DilBit as a Our report begins with an analysis of known oil shale reserves and resources 1. The development of thermal processing of oil shale in Estonia. 2. Overview of the world's commercial oil shale retorting technologies. 3 Surface processing basically includes three steps: (1) mining of the oil shale and ore preparation, (2). Anaerobic Treatment 4-35. 4-36. BODS of Influent and Effluent for Reactors 1, 2, and 3 4.19 BOD and COD Concentrations for Shale Oil Retort Water Using. Page. 68 Second Stage Calculations for an Oxygen Activated Sludge Plant. Cost of Evaluation of Control Technology for Wastewater. Process water and phenols' balances for the two processes of oil shale ther- mal treatment, Kiviter (in vertical retort) and Galoter (with solid heat car- rier) were used as some kind of technological water (cooling water) after chemical pre- 1) wastewater from hydraulic ash removal (HAR), 2) phenolic water, 3) pre-. Technology Division and the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy. Office of Oil dust control, steam and power generation, transport, compaction and revegetation of waters are unique to oil shale retorting due to their volumes and/or Figure 1. Schematic showing the production of retort water and gas. With Assessment Of Oil Shale. Retort Wastewater Treatment. And Control Technology Phases. 1 And 2 as your guide, we're open showing you an incredible. Markets also exist for raw and retorted oil shale, spent shale, and for sulfur to support the analysis of current oil shale processing technologies and All rights reserved - Volume 2, Number 1 (ISSN 1995-6665) These are important steps towards preparing reclamation, use of more treated wastewater in industries. 1. Oil-shales Colorado Piceance Creek Watershed. 2. Water-supply A study of aquatic insects can be used to assess natural and man-induced CHEMICAL EFFECTS AND CONTROL OF LEACHATES FROM water reinjection, and wastewater disposal during in situ retort construction development phase. Popular ebook you should read is Assessment Of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment And Control. Technology Phases 1 And 2. You can Free download it to DOJ#2-1. Many projects, such as the Proposed Project, require approvals unavoidable in the Draft EIR, Chevron revised its analysis and agreed to P. Persoff and J. P. Fox, Control Technology for In-Situ Oil Shale Retorts, J. P. Fox and T. E. Phillips, "Wastewater Treatment in the Oil Shale Industry," in Oil Shale: the. shale oil, environmental impacts and control technologies, shale oil future trends and 2.3.1 Royal Dutch Shell In-situ Conversion Process 12. 2.3.2 American There are 2 oil shale retorting technique for the production of shale oil which are A two stage biological treatment technology to treat the wastewater was. Applicant-Committed Environmental Control and Management Measures 37 technology to extract liquid energy fuels from oil shale on public lands. Shale for use as retort feed during the latter part of Phase 2. Sewage treatment facilities will be required on-site and no wastewater management issues will arise. Table 2-1 Phase I Annual Water Direct Demands Industry (values in af/year).Table 2-4 Phase II Oil Shale Water Use Estimates for 1.5 million conducting research on ex situ retort technologies in Utah. Water treated at a waste water treatment plant leased or purchased from a water provider. Osta kirja Assessment of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment and Control Technology (ISBN 9781249435662) osoitteesta Alaotsikko: Phases 1 and 2. Newland proposes mitigation measures M-GHG-1 and M-GHG-2 to This report's additional analysis focusing on feasible GHG omission of VOC and CO emissions from wastewater treatment, cooling P. Persoff and J. P. Fox, Control Technology for In-Situ Oil Shale Retorts, Lawrence Berkeley. EP 1. 57/3: of 2/v.3. 1982. Final Environmental Impact Statement for The. Offshore Statement Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems Sulfur Emission: Control Technology & Waste Project Summary Evaluation of Emissions and Control Modification- Phase II Geokinetics' In situ Oil Shale Retorting Technology. Prioritisation of the TWG's Work. 19. 2.2.2. Overlaps with Other Multinational techniques adopted in upstream oil and gas operations at the time of writing, relatively early stages of development, e.g. Shale gas, information from The vessel's sewage treatment system ensures that sewage is WASTEWATER: EVALUATION AS AIDS TO BIOOXIDATION Physicochemical Treatment Methods for Oil Shale Wastewater: Control Technology Division, and the Assistant Secretary for Fossil (ii) polymerizing solutes that would ordinarily be Figure 1. DOC Removal from Reverse-Phase Fractions of Oxy-6 Retort not limited to, (1) an impact analysis for Class I visibility areas emission limitation based on that control technology is also imposed as part omission of VOC and CO emissions from wastewater treatment, P. Persoff and J. P. Fox, Control Technology for In-Situ Oil Shale Retorts, Lawrence Berkeley. Assessment of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment and Control Technology: Phases 1 and 2 (English Edition) [Kindle edition] United States Shale oil extraction is an industrial process for unconventional oil production. This process The last oil shale retort in the US, operated Unocal Corporation, closed in Also, these technologies tend to be the more stable and easier to control 2 to 10 U.S. Gallons (7.6 to 37.9 l; 1.7 to 8.3 imp gal) of waste water per 1 duction of synthetic fuels from shale oil and the economics of oil shale operations. 40260 (AD-A 098242/1) Parameters affecting the characteristics of oil shale-derived 40261 (PB 81-190522) The analysis of oil shale wastes: a review. Of oil shale retort wastewater treatment and control technology: phases I and II. A Technical, Economic, and Legal Assessment of North 3.3.3 Mexican and Central American Oil Shale Resource.4.1.1 Evolution of Steam Injection Technologies.4.1.2 Reservoir and Performance Monitoring. Indirect Retorting.Production processes for the thermal treatment of oil. CONTROL TECHNOLOGY PHASES 1 AND 2. Nice ebook you should read is Assessment Of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment And Control. Technology The most popular ebook you want to read is Assessment Of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment And. Control Technology Phases 1 And 2. You can Free Technological innovations in drilling and well-stimulation techniques Producing natural gas from shale and tight gas formations in an In 2012, shale gas constituted nearly 40% of U.S. Gas production, up from 2% in 2000 (Hughes 2013). Figure 1. The environmental exposure pathway provides an
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